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September 25, 2009

Abstract Painting

Expressing emotions and feelings through color was explored, along with color mixing. What resulted are some amazing abstract paintings, seen here.

September 18, 2009

Shopping at Haymarket Farmers Market

Experiencing all that Boston has to offer wouldn't be complete without a trip to the Haymarket Farmers Market. Each week, Access All spends an afternoon shopping for fresh fruit and veggies at the market. After purchasing the produce, Access All participants make a delicious fruit salad to enjoy.

September 8, 2009

Designing Jewelry For Sale

Jewelry design is just one of the many creative art projects that Access All students participate in on a weekly basis. Bracelets, necklaces and earrings can be purchased from the Access All Gift Shop, along with other products created by talented local artists. All proceeds go directly to running the Access All program.